The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced in the body when UV rays from sunlight reach the skin, resulting in a ‘synthesis,’ where it is converted into vitamin D. Vitamin D helps us to regulate and absorb the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body, which are necessary for healthy muscles, teeth and bones. It can also help to reduce inflammation, modulates cell growth and assists with glucose metabolism.

People who are deficient in vitamin D can develop rickets (usually in children), osteomalacia or, with calcium, osteoporosis. 

Are you at risk from a lack of vitamin D?

There can be a number of reasons why people don’t make enough vitamin D from sunlight, including that they don’t go outside enough, cover up when outside, or they may be housebound or are in a care home. People with darker skin may also not make enough vitamin D from sunlight. 

Foods high in vitamin D

While Vitamin D is often mainly associated with sunlight, there are lots of foods that can help to boost your vitamin D intake, particularly during the winter months.

Salmon. It is worth noting that wild salmon contains more vitamin D than farmed Salmon.

Herring and Sardines. Herring contains 214 IU of Vit D per 100g serving.

Tinned Tuna. Light tinned tuna is low in mercury and contains around 269 IU of vitamin D per serving.

Cod liver oil. If you don’t like fish, try taking a cod liver oil supplement each morning.

Mushrooms. Like humans, mushrooms are also capable of creating vitamin D from sunlight. 

Egg yolks. The yolk contains more of the minerals and the egg white contains most of the protein and other vitamins.

Dairy and plant milks that are fortified with vitamin D. 

Should I take a vitamin D supplement? 

The government advice is that you should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D, particularly during the winter months when there is less sunlight. 

Want to know more about vitamins, minerals and food nutrition? Let’s visit your eating and drinking regime, agree relevant food swaps & replacements, get your food and drink intake to compliment your bespoke exercise programme.

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