From childhood I quickly developed a love and a passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle,
as both my parents were certified gym-aholics! Many of my fond childhood memories involve us going out on family cycling days, walks around the local reservoir, sit-up and plank challenges before bed. and my dad teaching us how to cook meat-free healthy meals and his scrummy vegetable casserole.
My love of fitness and a healthy lifestyle continued into my teens and my adult life. During this time I supported family members, peers as well as colleagues to become more active by engaging in activities such as swimming, cycling, walking, jogging not foresaking a bit of Zumba!
This then led me to train and qualify as a Level 2 Fitness Instructor, a Level 3 Personal Trainer as well as a qualified Nutritionist.
Our programmes will…
increase your confidence. improve health outcomes. increase self-esteem. help you feel good inside & out. empower you to thrive. help you live your best life.
Our techniques are reliable as well as proven!
Time and time again our clients tell us as well as others how good we are and how much of a positive and life-changing experience our programmes have been.