Why Self-Care is Important
Recently I went on a much-needed holiday. It was a wonderful week - spending time with the family in a gorgeous place with beautiful weather - exactly what I needed.
Impact 4Life has grown so much since 2019 that I have, without realising it, got into a routine of work, work and… work. I love what I do and I’m so proud of everything that Impact 4Life is doing within the community, but it is rare that I take a step back and just relax.
It is easy to forget to prioritise yourself and your own wellbeing, particularly if you have a busy life with family, children, jobs, homes and daily life. However, it is important to remember that you matter and take some time, even if it just thirty minutes, to focus on yourself and your own wellbeing.
What is self-care?
Self-care is anything that you do that not only helps you take care of yourself, but it helps with your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and promotes happiness, and this is so important. Regular self-care can help to reduce stress and anxiety, regulate sleeping patterns, fosters resilience, improve self-esteem, boost your confidence and increases levels of positivity and happiness.
Self-care can include:
Resting and relaxing
Exercising - running, swimming, cycling (a personal favourite), going for a walk, going to the gym
Reading a book
Writing in a journal
Taking a long, hot bath
Listening to your favourite soothing playlist
Participating in a hobby that you enjoy
Practising gratitude
Meditation and breathing exercises
Spending time with people who lift you up
Tips for incorporating self-care into your life
Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated, time consuming or expensive. Go for a walk during lunchtime or after work, get up 15 minutes early in the morning to meditate or do some breathing exercises, read a book if you have a commute, eat a healthy and delicious breakfast, take a long bath in the evenings.
Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When we look after ourselves, we generally feel better. This doesn’t require you to make massive changes in your life, but start to show yourself some self-care by making healthier decisions - use the stairs instead of the lift, walk instead of driving, start to make small healthier substitutions into your meals, eat a good breakfast. Show yourself some love!
Remember that you are important. While you will always prioritise the needs of your family, it’s important to remember that your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing matters too! It may not always be easy to take time for yourself, but consciously try and do something when you can.
Need some help with incorporating self-care into your daily routine? Let’s visit your eating and drinking regime, agree relevant food swaps & replacements, get your food and drink intake to compliment your bespoke exercise programme.
Email me directly: info@impact4life.org.uk for more information!