Quick and Easy Ways to Live a Healthier Lifestyle
When I talk to clients about living a healthier lifestyle, many of them think that it will involve making drastic and extensive changes in what they eat and how they exercise.
It is always positive to eat a balanced, nutritious diet and exercise regularly, but there are lots of simple changes that can be made to kickstart you on a journey to a healthier life! By starting with just one new thing, it can lead to a feeling of accomplishment and the motivation to continue to do more.
Here are some quick and easy ways to live a healthier lifestyle
Drink water. The NHS recommends that we drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water helps us to stay hydrated, helps our body to perform necessary functions and improves concentration. Set a timer during the day to stop drink water and carry a bottle of water around with you.
Walk! If you have good mobility, simple things like walking instead of driving to the shops, taking the stairs or consciously setting a timer to walk for 15 minutes each day will help to improve your overall fitness levels. Exercise also helps to reduce anxiety levels and depression.
Make some simple food substitutions. Replace white bread and pasta with brown, replace roasted potatoes and chips with boiled, grill chicken instead of frying.
Go to bed thirty minutes earlier. Turn off your phone and the TV, try and wind down and go to bed earlier. More sleep will result in you feeling more rested and motivated the next day!
Slow down and take a breath. When things are busy it is sometimes difficult to remember to stop and breathe for a few minutes. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, relax and centre yourself. This should help to reduce stress levels.
Order one less takeaway. At the end of a week many of us are tired and ‘treat’ ourselves by ordering a takeaway meal. Ordering just one less takeaway a month will not only help your body, but it will help your wallet too!
Do you need help with creating a healthier lifestyle? Let’s visit your eating and drinking regime, agree relevant food swaps & replacements, get your food and drink intake to compliment your bespoke exercise programme.
Email me directly: info@impact4life.org.uk for more information!